Colegio Palermo Chico Colegio Palermo Chico
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El Colegio en acción Sábados deportivos
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Colegio Palermo Chico
El Colegio en acción Sábados deportivos

El colegio en acción

Secundaria - 1er a 3er año

Arte en Acción: Drama

This year the students learnt about Stop Motion Animation, which is a sequence of photographs, or frames, that give animated figures the impression of movement. 

They used an app called Stop Motion Studio on their phones, learnt some of the technical challenges of the technique and explored the four different types of stop motion: cut-out motion, object motion, claymation and pixelation. 

Cut-out motion involves using articulated paper cut out characters; object motion animates objects as characters; claymation models characters out of clay and pixelation uses the human body in impossible and creative movements. 

Here's a sample of their work!